Partner visas
Partner visas are for people who are de facto partners or spouses of Australian permanent residents and/or citizens. This visa allows you to live and work in Australia with your loved one.
If you are outside of Australia please see Prospective Marriage for more information.
What can you do with this visa?
The application process
Usually the applications for temporary and permanent visas are lodged at the same time. The initial partner visa grant will be a Temporary visa with a validity of 2 years. After the 2 year period, the Department will grant you the permanent partner visa if all requirements are satisfied. The main requirement is that the genuine relationship is on-going. This is known as the second stage visa process. In some circumstances, there can be a waiver for this 2 year waiting period.
Furthermore there are some circumstances where you may be eligible for permanent residence even if the relationship has broken down before the end of the 2 year period.
Please contact us for further information on obtaining waivers and exemptions.
Full case management and representation by Frontier Migration Services: $5,500.
Please have a look at the DIY support options or consider a consultation using the Unbundled Services to see if this is the best visa option for you.
Visa conditions
Continue to meet all legal requirements for visa eligibility from the time you are granted a temporary visa until a decision is made on your permanent visa, which is usually two years after you lodge your application.
Partner Visa Checklists
For the ones who want to do it themselves
We also offer a Partner Visa package as part of our DIY Support options. Here you will be given everything you need to prepare your own application and at a fraction of the cost of full representation. Take a look here for more information and a sample of the guide and checklist that you will receive.
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