8 MORE reasons to move to Australia


1. Coffee culture and the underdog

We know good coffee and we know where it's at. We've taken coffee to a whole new level, so much so that we call it coffee culture.

Italy may be the home of the espresso and South America and Africa maybe the home of the coffee beans, but it's what we do with them that makes us famous for our coffee.

We love our coffee so much that we can get into a heated debate about how to make a flat white. We can scour the ends of the earth in search of the perfect cup of coffee.

Along with this coffee culture is the intrinsic support of local home grown cafes and small businesses. We don't like the big chain franchises that tries to muscle in on the coffee trade but it's not because of what you think. We don't like them because they frankly don't taste good at all. We're such sophisticated coffee drinkers that we'll pay a premium for a well roasted and made cup of coffee. This keeps the small businesses and cafes in business.

This means you'll always find a job as a barista or small cafe somewhere. Win win for everyone!


future music festival

2. Festivals - music, food, cultural, sport. You name it, we do them all

Summer is just one long line up of festivals after another.

If it's a day in summer, you will most likely find a festival somewhere.

We just love sitting out in the open space, a national park or even an undisclosed place to be SMS'd or tweeted to you 2 hours beforehand, and listening to music and drinking with our mates.

Any opportunity we get, we organise little street festivals in communities in the capital cities. We just love to celebrate and we do it in style!


3. Security and stability

Despite the whinging and moaning about our politicians (which is a national past time by the way) Australia is a stable and secure country.

We enjoy low crime rates and on the whole quite politically and economically stable. We may change our leaders a few times but the show goes on.

We also don't have gun violence thanks to our laws around gun ownership.



4. Wineries

Every State has a wine region and we're proud of it. We've come a long way in the wine world and you'll find an Australian wine anywhere in the world.

But wine regions aren't just about wines and drinking, it's also a great weekend escape from the cities.

Every capital city has a wine region within a few hours' drive and it's a great way to spend a weekend away from the cities and to explore local foods and drinks. Many of these vineyards and wineries are family owned businesses too and provide bed and breakfast facilitates.

So if camping isn't your thing then spending a weekend in a bed and breakfast in a wine region doesn't sound too shabby.

For those that are also looking for jobs, these vineyards are always in need of seasonal workers and you can continue working whilst travelling all around Australia.



5. Superannuation

In Australia everyone is taken care of in their retirement by squirreling away a bit of money from their salaries. It's called superannuation. When you work in Australia, your employer has to pay a percentage into a superannuation fund that you can't touch until you retire. Basically your boss is helping you save for your retirement.

But if you're only in Australia temporarily you can get this money back when you leave Australia. Free money! How awesome is that!


6. Medicare and the health system

Australians enjoy the benefits of one of the most efficient health care systems in the world where you're provided public health care for free and a private healthcare system that is low cost and accessible for everyone.

If you're from a country that we've signed a Reciprocal Healthcare Agreement with, then your stay in Australia could come with free healthcare. How awesome is that?



7. Education system

Australian universities consistently rank in the top 100 universities of the world making us one of the bigger providers of world class education.

We also have a great national education system that makes Australia a wonderful place to raise a family.


great ocean road

8. Road trips

Australia is a big country with huge distances but we make the most of this and combine what we love and do best when we travel: road trips!

Australian capital cities are well connected with highways and because we live on the coast and don't stray far from it, our highways also hug the coast.

One of our most famous 'highway' between 2 capital cities is the Great Ocean Road. There's never a dull moment when you're on a road trip in Australia.

Sydney to Melbourne route gives you the beauties of the south coast. Stop into small coastal towns or head to the southernmost tip of Australia at Wilson Promontory.

Cross the dessert from Adelaide to Perth through the Nullabour Plains.

Drive from Sydney to Brisbane via the coast route and surf and camp your way to your destination.

Why wouldn't you move to Australia now? Come chat with us, let us tell you how!

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